Millies in Leeds is a haven of healthy, well sourced, local food. It’s a great resource in Leeds, bursting with goodies, and I can never make it out the door without gobbling one of their freshly made cakes.
Millies sources its meat from Tancred Farm, and I was given a few samples to try. Tancred Farm is based in Whixley, North Yorkshire, and is a family run farm that focuses on quality. So much so, that they even grow their own feed for the pigs and cows. Now that’s impressive. It’s worth it though; the meat is fabulous, and PROPER. There’s no gallons of water or salt in it. It actually tastes of meat and has proper texture. Also, it doesn’t cost the earth, in fact, the prices are incredibly reasonable.

I went all Nigel Slater with the Cumberland sausages. It was mid week and we just had bits and bobs in, so I scoured the cupboards and fridge, hunted in the garden, foraging to find things to create a meal out of. It ended up being a summery sausage stew, with boiled potatoes, and it was delicious. Here’s my rough recipe…
Summery Sausage Stew
1 onion
2 peppers (different colours if possible)
1 courgette
3-4 cloves of garlic
4 sausages
2/3 tin of chopped tomatoes
Glass of white wine
Boiled potatoes
Butter & parsley (for the potatoes)Brown the sausages in pan. Get them nice and golden, but don’t worry about cooking them through. Remove from pan.
On a high heat, brown the peppers, onion and courgette. Try and get some brown/black bits on them. Add the garlic for the last minute.
Pour a glass of wine. Drink. Then pour another and add it to the pan. Use it to get all the browny, flavoursome bits from the bottom. When it’s reduced by half, add the tomatoes, stir, then put in the sausages. Cover with a lid and cook for 20 minutes.
Serve with boiled potatoes covered in butter and parsley.

Other cuts of meat we tried included pork shoulder, which we slow roasted, and minced beef, which went straight into our most favourite meal; bolognese. The mince had a great flavour, and none of the water and goop coming out of it when I fried it off.
For well sourced, high quality meat at an affordable price, head to Millies to buy Tancred Farm produce. It’s some of the best around.