Mr M and I tend to get rather overexcited about Hallowe’en, so we’re looking forward to next weekend. We’ve already got the decorations down from the attic and will probably spend a ridiculous amount of time making our living room into some sort of spooky Dracula-style cave dwelling, as we do each Hallowe’en. A bit much for just one day? True, but we do it none the less.
We always carve a pumpkin each, and somehow Mr M's always appear to be friendly, in a gonky kind of way, while mine look genuinely demonic! We put one (normally Mr M's so as not to scare the kids!) in the window so the trick or treaters know to stop by. Interaction with complete strangers dressed as ghouls and witches etc. is one of the best things about Hallowe’en. It gives people an excuse to interact and is pretty much the only time in the year that neighbours actually come out of their houses and talk to each other. I also love the amount of effort people put into dressing up, and how excited the kids get. That being said, my favourite trick or treater is still a 2 year old boy who stood on our doorstep dressed as a bright orange rotund pumpkin, complete with a green stalk hat, with a blank face looking totally nonplussed and unimpressed! He had no idea what he was doing there and clearly just wanted to go home. I think his parent were having much more fun than he was!
It’s somehow become tradition for me to make cupcakes for trick or treaters. When I did this the first time, I was really surprised at how much they appreciated them, which I guess encouraged me to keep doing it every Hallowe’en. I had a slight disaster last year though, only realising after making and decorating a good 40 or so, that the icing colouring had actually gone off giving the cupcakes a distinctly unpleasant mouldy flavour… It was quite heartbreaking throwing them all out and starting from scratch!
We used to have the excitement of the Most Haunted Live Hallowe’en weekend spectaculars to look forward to. These were somewhat ridiculous, but surprisingly scary ghost hunts that ran on TV for four nights in a row. Sadly, the show is no longer running, so what on earth will we do once the pumpkins are carved and the trick or treaters have been sufficiently sugared up?!
Coming up soon… posts on Cornucopia (a new food event in Leeds) and Pumpkins!
It took me about…um….*counts on fingers*… about 15 years to get over Ghostwatch with Sarah Green on the telly. I don’t particularly enjoy Halloween or anything scary really, because I’m a big girl’s blouse when it comes to other-worldly activity (mainly down to Ghostwatch I think, traumatised for life).
However, I would love to try a spooky cupcake and even more see your baby dressed up as a pumpkin! Consider both of these things immediately.
I will, for the most part, be huddled in a corner thinking about unicorns and kittens, with the light on.
Love muchly xx Cat
We watched Ghostwatch again about 6 months ago… It’s still terrifying! I think it was evil choosing such trusted people as Sarah Green and Parky to present it.
Come over for some wholesome Halloween fun, cupcakes and baby pumpkin hugs, and we will rid you of your Halloween doubts
You do know it is the law that a small child must wear a costume for their first hallowe’en, even if they are only a few weeks old? It’s part of the embarrassing photos for the 18th birthday / first boyfriend collection that we are obliged to make.
Quite right! Fear not, we have a pumpkin bodysuit at the ready. And for Ollie?
We had a fantastic skeleton suit last year. My husband tells me that Ollie, at 17 months, is too old this year for baby suits, but too young for child’s outfits. I say….we’ll see…I have a week off this week so who knows what purchases will happen
Is he suggesting no costume at all then? Scandalous!
7 replies on “Something wicked this way comes”
It took me about…um….*counts on fingers*… about 15 years to get over Ghostwatch with Sarah Green on the telly. I don’t particularly enjoy Halloween or anything scary really, because I’m a big girl’s blouse when it comes to other-worldly activity (mainly down to Ghostwatch I think, traumatised for life).
However, I would love to try a spooky cupcake and even more see your baby dressed up as a pumpkin! Consider both of these things immediately.
I will, for the most part, be huddled in a corner thinking about unicorns and kittens, with the light on.
Love muchly xx Cat
We watched Ghostwatch again about 6 months ago… It’s still terrifying! I think it was evil choosing such trusted people as Sarah Green and Parky to present it.
Come over for some wholesome Halloween fun, cupcakes and baby pumpkin hugs, and we will rid you of your Halloween doubts
You do know it is the law that a small child must wear a costume for their first hallowe’en, even if they are only a few weeks old?
It’s part of the embarrassing photos for the 18th birthday / first boyfriend collection that we are obliged to make.
Quite right! Fear not, we have a pumpkin bodysuit at the ready. And for Ollie?
We had a fantastic skeleton suit last year. My husband tells me that Ollie, at 17 months, is too old this year for baby suits, but too young for child’s outfits. I say….we’ll see…I have a week off this week so who knows what purchases will happen
Is he suggesting no costume at all then? Scandalous!
Have ordered a spider outfit…..