A week ago, Mr M and I disappeared off to Bakewell in the Peak District. After some stomach clenching, breath holding swoops around the tiniest and darkest of roads we arrived in the small town famous for its tarts.

Not to sound too British(!) but the weather was amazing! It was a little pocket of summer for the whole time we were there. This led to numerous strolls by the river, which had the noisiest ducks and geese I’ve ever come across. They’ve actually put up a sign asking people NOT to feed the ducks, as there are already too many, creating a ’mess’ on the pavements. A grave problem indeed, I’m sure you’ll agree.

We spent a large amount of the rest of our time eating. The town had a great selection of delis, offering delicious looking treats – it was too hard to resist!

Not being a Bakewell Tart fan, I avoided them entirely. I didn’t try the Bakewell Pudding either, which is actually the more traditionally accurate version. Apparently, the pudding was made in error in about 1860 by a cook who poured an egg and almond mixure on top of the jam instead of into the pastry mixture itself. Or something. Anyhow, it took off! If you’re at all tempted to try it there is The Old Original Bakewell Pudding Shop in Bakewell, which does ‘post a pudding’.

On the last day, we popped off for a stroll through some stunning scenery, and to walk off some of the numerous cakes.
Pottering back down to the car, we got a hearty “Hello!” from David Blunkett! He was carrying a House of Commons plastic bag. Obviously.
The following picture is probably my favourite from the 200 odd that I took over those few days. I can’t help but think that they did this on purpose?! I hope so anyway.

4 replies on “An escape to Bakewell….”
It was a great wee break! Lots of cake eating opportunities. Which scores highly for me!
Fab blog name by the way.
And yes, you are being terribly British commenting on the weather … but it’s impossible not to!
If I were to blog, it would be about food and every Tom, Dick and Sally-ann blogs about food 🙁 … so I shan’t!
I think you should go for it. There may be quite a few food blogs out there, but EVERYONE eats, so you have the largest audience!
I like Jo in blogland, I do!