Please use these patterns for free to raise money for the people of Ukraine.

Please use these patterns for free to raise money for the people of Ukraine.
Have a little more colour in your life – try a Robins and Rainbows craft kit, or order one of her beautiful crocheted items.
Halloween is a big deal in our house. We’ve already been out to the fun (if extortionate) pumpkin fields in Leeds again this year, so the kids are well set with giant pumpkins. They’ve been busy planning their designs, which are worryingly elaborate so we’ll have to see how they pan out… I think Halloween […]
Lotherton is a beautiful country house and estate on the outskirts of Leeds. This summer, they’re running the theme A Sixties Summer of Fun…
Granny Squares are a classic crochet design and probably the perfect visual representation of traditional crochet.
If you want some down time in the nicest of company, and to learn a new skill to get you through the dark winter months, thenĀ go on a course with Hooked! – you won’t regret it.