Emilia Kathryn Murricane
Born 9th September 2011, 4.08am, weighing 7lbs 4oz.

We finally decided on a name! We really have no excuse taking our time so much, especially given that she was 16 days late, but it’s an important decision.
The last few days with the wee lass have been totally magical. We are in complete awe of her and almost can’t quite believe that any of this miracle is real. Although the interesting nappies add a nice dose of reality 😉

We are entirely besotted!
Thanks again for all the kind wishes we’ve received, we really appreciate them all and can only apologise if we are a little slow to respond!

All photos ©2011 Jo Murricane – Not for reproduction
7 replies on “Introducing…”
Lovely! Is there a story to the name or just the name you liked best? Love the yawning! xx
hey guys
these pics are so lovely and the name is totally perfect! well done you two, beautiful beautiful baby, great name, and I love her little face!!
cannot wait to meet her. I am bringing booties from the babyshop – to keep her tootsies warm in autumn xxxx
What a beautiful name to go with a beautiful little baby girl. Look forward to meeting her in the future. Lots of love Katie xxx
Utterly adorable x
Oh guys I could EAT her!!! Beautiful name for a beautiful girl xx
beautiful name and lovely to have some facts (ie weights) always have to wait for the mother to give the important details! congratulations and hope she behaves! 🙂
She’s so lovely, and so long. xx