Robin Patrick Murricane
Born 15th June 2014, at 8.54am, weighing 8lb 12oz (yikes).

Much like his sister, Robin dilly-dallied and eventually had to be forced out of his cocoon and into the world! We were very pleased to finally meet the chap, as was Emilia, who is proving to be a fantastic and incredibly enthusiastic Big Sister.

The world is beginning to come back into focus and we are slowly but surely returning to it. The laddie is amazing and we’re chuffed to bits.

Thanks for all your kind wishes and for all the help from friends and family before, during and after The Event! I’m also hugely grateful to Mr M, who was brilliant through everything. I am one lucky girl.
All photos ©2014 Jo Murricane – Not for reproduction
4 replies on “Introducing a wee chap…”
Ahhh congratulations again 😀 I love having two, even when they bicker 😛
Thanks! It’s brilliant, so far…!
Congratulations you two. I hope you ate all well. Paul
Thanks Paul! All good – there is a lot of tea and chocolate in the mix… Hope things are good with you ! xx