After Emilia was born I met a spectacular group of ladies at the post-natal group. They have saved my sanity several times, and have been great company and a huge support in figuring out small people and how to cope with the million and one odd things they throw your way. We’re still close, and last Friday a bunch of us headed to The Calverley Arms for lunch.

Let me point out that this was a back up lunch venue – our original plan hadn’t worked, so we arrived at the pub hungry and a little fractious. Bear in mind too, that the tots now outnumber the adults in our group, and said tots were ravenous…
We chose our spot in the beer garden, which has incredible views, and a table with a circular surround fit for Lords and Ladies. However, when we asked for the menus we were told that we weren’t allowed to eat on the grass area. Erm, you what now? No food on the lawn please?! How exceedingly irritating, British and RIDICULOUS.

We had to decamp our masses of miniature people and relocate to the terrace, where we immediately began getting looks. Those looks. La-di-da people enjoying a leisurely lunch and glass of wine did not appreciate the intrusion an excitable group of toddlers, babes and tired / hungry mamas.
After some considerable time, our order was taken and food was on its way. Hurrah. However, on arrival, to say it disappointed would be a massive understatement. I had ordered a fish finger sandwich, with chips. What I was given was a giant bun with 5 pebbles of fish goujons. Admittedly I did choose from the Lite Menu, but I didn’t expect it to be bite-size. I would have photographed this laughable meal, but I was too hungry. Also, I had a bub nursing in one arm and was using the other arm to stop Emilia running off to cross the road (great thinking Calverley Arms) to get to the alluring grass from which we had been banned…

My meal was not the only mean serving. My friend ordered a gammon steak from the Main Menu, expecting a Main Portion, and got something closer to a slightly fat piece of bacon. Disappointing. Though, to be fair, her two mouthfuls of food were tasty ones.
I snuck back undercover to The Calverley Arms to take the pics in this piece so that I could rant about how annoying an ill thought plan about dining arrangements and portion sizes can be. The Calverley Arms and its precious garden is stunning, but is utterly let down by bad management. Do better please.