March of Dimes played the Brudenell at last!! HURRAH. They are my favourite Leeds band, but then Mr M is the bass player, so I am perhaps a tiny bit on the biased side.
If you don’t live in Leeds, or haven’t heard of the Brudenell, it’s a fantastic gig venue in Leeds. It’s set out in an old cabaret style, and is an intimate setting for a fantastic range of artists. The Brudenell is a gem of a venue for the local music scene in Leeds, but it’s reputation is such that it also attracts bands large and small from around the world. It’s a very relaxed place, and has an additional room and bar, as well as a games room, if you want a break from the music (not that you would), or just want to go down for a drink.
March of Dimes was invited to play there last weekend as part of a charity gig for Cancer Research UK. It was a great set, and the sound system there is incredible so only benefitted the band, which is sounding at the top of it’s game. The harmonies are tighter than ever, and it was good to hear the new single, Sleeping Giant, live for the first time. It’ll be out soon so watch this space! Or, in fact, their website. The Brudenell was a great venue for Gorden to debut his new guitar, and I think the whole band got a buzz out of being there.
Below are some pictures from the gig. I wasn’t exactly on top photographer form that night, and struggled to get many good shots. I definitely need to practice my gig photography, and learn a lot more about manual settings etc. Anyway, that’s another topic and blog post perhaps, but any tips anyone has would be greatfully received!!

NEWSFLASH: March of Dimes won their round in Leeds’ Best Unsigned 2011 last night! Come and support them in the final: Sunday 5th June at The Verve, Leeds.