When asked to try a sweet pizza, I had in mind a kind of dessert using a pizza base and Nutella etc. What I wasn’t expecting was this:

“A sweet pizza is just that, a pizza topped with sweets, no airs and graces about it.”, says the website. I’m not sure this is quite the right description. What it is, in fact, is a brownie base, topped with buttercream/icing and a whack load of sweets. In essence, a giant cookie.
Luckily, I had my daughter’s 3rd birthday party coming up, and decided to allow the guests to be my guinea pigs. The kids were excited by the concept, the adults a little unsure and also just quite perplexed. What is this thing?!

Each mouthful punches you in the face sugar, so if you have a sweet tooth you will love it, but as I’m more of a savoury person, it’s not really for me. I think it works great for kids; it’s play food, it’s SWEETS, and it looks incredible (though it does send them loopy). It’s marketed for all age groups, however, and I think for the adult market, it would do better to sell itself as an indulgent cookie of sorts.
One thing for sure is that it had everybody talking about it, and it was made incredibly well (that brownie base is delicious). So whilst it’s not really my cup of tea, there is certainly a market out there for it.
Here are the thoughts of my friends:
Loved loved loved the sweet pizza it’s moist gooey unbelievably sweet but is really Moreish and probably calorific city but I’d go for another.
– BethDeeeelicious! Yum.
– JoOnce I got over the idea of it, it sounds disgusting at first, but then found, it isn’t actually a pizza, (in that it doesn’t have a bread dough base) and I got over the look of it, (it’s well presented, but definitely doesn’t look like adult food, or like something that your doctor or dentist would recommend) the taste was pretty good and I do have a sweet tooth, but that said, a small slice was enough for me due to the buttercream, way too rich for me ( I always scrape half of the stuff off cupcakes) the brownie dough base though was superb, if they ever just made brownies out of it, I’d buy some. As for the toppings, just standard commercial sweeties so what can you say- meh. My biggest issue with this, who or when would you serve this to? I would never give it to my kids unless I fancied picking them off the ceiling later, and I can’t see it replacing a lovely slice of cake or a biscuit with a cuppa, plus you need 16 people to eat it, so I think Jo you hit on the only suitable occasion- knackered adults at a kids party trying to avoid eating all the kids sweets, kind of a niche audience.
– Liz (she got quite passionate about it!)As sweet treats go very nice and indulgent. But if you are going to market it as a sweet pizza it’s slightly misleading. I felt it was a topped brownie and was slightly disappointed that there was no dough base.
– MenaOnly a mouthful required!
– Nicola