I had a knock at the door recently, while the tots were whirling and screeching, and I was inefficiently throwing food around in the kitchen. I was ready, with my expression curt, to quickly dismiss the irritating window sales-person, or charity door knocker I expected to find. Instead, I found a very friendly fish man on my door step, and I was rather pleased.
D.D. Fish Supplies delivers fish from Grimsby to Horsforth every 8 weeks (they cover lots of other areas too). The fish has been caught the very same morning that it’s delivered. It is thoroughly cleaned, filleted, and then brought directly to you, fresh in a box of ice. It’s really good value too – I spent £21 and got 3 large trout fillets, 4 plaice fillets and a whopping great big side of haddock. It was brilliant. (TIP: unpack the box quickly. It doesn’t hold melting ice water well, and you don’t want fish water all over your kitchen … so I’ve learnt.)

It’s a great service if you can’t get to the Leeds Markets easily and you want high quality produce (though I’ve yet to try Market Delivered, which is meant to be great too). There is something quite traditional and nostalgic about having a fish van too. All a bit 1950s. (I’ll be getting a milk man next. I’m not even kidding.) Getting fish delivered works well for me though. It makes me cook with fish more often, which I’m keen to do, but supermarket fish just isn’t that good.
With the pile of fish I got this time I made trout risotto, haddock goujons, pan-fried plaice, and more… I feel brainier already!