The Tales of Grimm Woods is a selection of events run by Sneaky Experience, in the basement of Leeds Town Hall. Throughout December, they have run several performances of three different events to be able to cover all age groups. Today we went along for The Story Trees, which is for children up to 6yrs.
After a bit of a ticket mix up (We Got Tickets fault I think), we were warmly welcomed and asked to start our adventure. The children were encouraged to interact from the very beginning and the performers were so well skilled in their art, that this worked really well. Emilia keenly took Goldilocks’ hand and set off on her adventure. We wandered down the long corridors and were lead by Goldilocks through story after story, seeing different pictorial representations or props from each tale.

After this, we entered a library, and then the wintery enchanted forest where the children sat on rugs for more in depth tale telling. Coming through the door the woodland looked incredible, and really magical. I was probably more excited than the kids – I totally did that amazed intake of breath when we entered.

We met more and more fairytale characters as we went through the experience, including Jack, Rapunzel, Rumpelstiltskin and The Wicked Witch. The children were fully engaged and participated throughout, and it was a really funny, charming and magical performance by the actors.

The Tales of Grimm Woods is only running until 2nd January 2016, so be quick if you want to see any of the performances. I would LOVE to see the adult one (The Night of the Krampus) as I think it will be properly scary, but alas, I don’t think we will make it (pesky kids). If you can go, then do!
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